Monday, December 21, 2009


The holidays are always crazy, but this one has been interesting. My plan was to start knitting early, which I did, but then I had to get a job! I only worked 3 days last week but that took a lot of my knitting time since I was so tired by the time I came home. I still have slipper socks to knit for Meema, a scarf for Melody and socks for my father-in-law. At least I finished the hats and scarves for Madeline and Escher. :) Oh, and I haven't really decided, but I think I want to knit a hat for Charla. I better get to work. I'll have to update again after the new year. I have 4 days!!!!! UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH.............